Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How to write special symbol in a blog?

In order to display special characters or symbols within your HTML pages, you must use a special ASCII code in your html files. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the standard format used for character within computers and online.
Here's example to create copyright information. Your HTML code might look: 
      Copyright © 2008 Company Name
The above HTML code will display like this within your web page:
      Copyright © 2008 Company Name  

To use the following symbol you can copy & paste the HTML code: 

  • Copyright  (©) © © 
  • Registered trademark sign (®) ® ®
  • Trademark sign (™) ™ ©
  • Cent sign (¢) ¢ ¢
  • Euro symbol (€) € 
  • Yen symbol (¥) ¥
  • Pound sterling (£) £
  • Degree sign (°) °
  • Heart symbol (♥) ♥
  • Pi (π) π
  • Less than  (<) &lt;
  • Greater than  (>) &gt;
  • If you want to see more about how to writing symbols in html, you can goto:

    this link

    How to store more photos for your blog?

    Default storage for

    By default, blogger store photo for your blog in picasa. Picasa can store up to 1 gb.

    Here the fact!


    Picasa Web Albums: Album limits

    As you accumulate more pictures in Picasa Web Albums, please keep in mind your account limits. These limits differ depending on the storage plan you're using:

    For users with the standard (free) one GB of storage, the following limits apply: 

    • Maximum number of web albums: 250
    • Maximum number of photos per web album: 500

    Users with upgraded storage have the following limits: 

    • Maximum number of web albums: 1000
    • Maximum number of photos per web album: 1000


    Can the images be included on other webpages?

    If you use Blogger to publish to an external site, we will FTP the images you choose to your external server. If your blog is hosted on Blog*Spot, we will host the images for you (for free). The images we host for you can ONLY be displayed on Blog*Spot sites.

    Regarding Images from the Web

    Blogger's image upload feature allows you to upload and display images in your posts. This is great when you want to add a photograph you shot or an image you created. However, there are a few details to note when it comes to images that are legally protected or hosted at someone else's expense.

    Adding Images 'from The Web'

    If you choose to 'Add an Image from the Web' using the image upload feature in Blogger, you shouldn't use an image location that is hosted at someone else's expense without their permission. Sometimes this is referred to as 'stealing bandwidth' because every time your blog loads, the image is loaded from their server, and this person likely incurs an expense.

    Copyrighted Materials

    Before you put an image in your blog, keep in mind that some images are protected as intellectual property through copyright. This means that the creator has sole legal rights to their works and may not want you copying and displaying them. If you're unsure whether or not an image is copyrighted, it's best not to risk it.

    Source :

    Photo Sharing Service

    Photo sharing services make organizing, storing and sharing digital photos convenient, easy, safe and most importantly–fun. Through online photo albums, friends and family can join by sharing pictures of important events, good times and special occasions.
    There are three main competitors in the online Photo Sharing:

    * Imageshack
    ImageShack offers free, unlimited storage, but has a 100 MB per hour bandwidth limit for each image. This sounds like a lot, but do the math: that's 1.66 MB per minute, or about 28 KB per second. And the larger your image is, the faster you'll burn through that meager allotment. But it's incredibly easy to use-- you don't even have to sign up-- and according to their common questions page, anything goes as long as it's not illegal.

    * Flickr
    Flickr offers a free basic account with limited upload bandwidth and limited storage. Download bandwidth is unlimited. Upgrading to a paid Pro account for $25/year removes all upload and storage restrictions. However, Flickr's terms of use warn that "professional or corporate uses of Flickr are prohibited", and all external images require a link back to Flickr.

    * Photobucket
    Photobucket's free account has a storage limit and a download bandwidth limit of 10 GB per month (that works out to a little over 14 MB per hour). Upgrading to a paid Pro account for $25/year removes the bandwidth limit. I couldn't find any relevant restrictions in their terms of service.

    Store more photos using Wordpress Media

    Wordpress media can store up to 3 Gb. Picture from Wordpress can be used in Blogger. Offcourse you should use your own picture to avoid risk of illegal use of copyrighted material. The following picture stored in wordpress.

    How to do it?

    Do the following step:

    1. Upload your photo to wordpress (click number 1)
    2. View  photo in media library  until photo displayed (click number 2) 
      Right click the photo and choose "copy image location" (firefox) or "copy image address"(opera)
    3.  insert tag to blog using html

      < img style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="PASTE TO HERE" border="0" alt="ALTERNATIVE TEXT" />

      Offcourse you should use opening tag < ................ />.  

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008

    Submit blog ke google dan yahoo search engine

    Perlunya submit ke search engine

    Dalam beberapa buku disebutkan tentang bagaimana cara submit google dan yahoo search engine. Maksud dari submit ke search engine adalah agar search engine seperti dan mengenali halaman blog yang kita buat.

    Cara submit ke search engine

    Cara mensubmit blog ke search engine atau cara mendaftarkan alamat blog ke search engine adalah sebagai berikut :

      pilih "Submit a Website or Webpage"


             Penulisan alamat url website harus  lengkap menggunakan http://

    Proses submit

    Proses ini cukup dilakukan hanya sekali. Selanjutnya search engine akan melakukan update mengindex website yang kita sumbit secara berkala. Setiap kita melakukan post ke blog maka otomatis akan terindeks dalam beberapa menit sampai beberapa hari.


    Proses submit ke google search engine membutuhkan account google. Proses verifikasi dapat diakses pada

    Proses submit ke yahoo search engine membutuhkan account yahoo. Proses verifikasi dapat diakses pada

    Ada dua macam verifikasi yaitu:

    1. Verifikasi menggunakan meta
      Cocok untuk hosting blog gratis yang biasanya kita tidak bisa mengakses root.
      Kita akan mendapatkan kode verifikasi dari search engine, contoh:
           meta name="y_key" content="c5dbf86fb7fff82b76f" 
      Jangan lupa untuk  awalan (<) sebelum meta dan dan akhiran (/>)  di akhir baris. 
      Jika anda menggunakan blogger pilih menu Layout ->Edit HTML, Tambahkan kode tersebut antara HEAD dan HEAD.
    2. Verifikasi menggunakan file
      Cocok untuk hosting berlangganan yang biasanya kita bisa mengakses root.
      Kita akan diminta untuk mengupload file verifikasi, contoh:

    Nomor Berapa index saya?

    Inilah yang menjadi pertanyaan umum. Kenapa di search engine website berada diurutan jauh dibawah? Kunci jawabannya adalah Search engine optimization (SEO). Ini berkaitan dengan kata kunci/tag pada website dan posting. 

    Monday, December 15, 2008

    Post to Blog using software post2blog

    Posting ke blog menggunakan software post2blog

    Melakukan posting ke blogger dapat dilakukan dengan 2 cara:

    • Dengan mengakses halaman website blogger
      Posting dilakukan langsung pada halaman website blogger ini membutuhkan koneksi internet yang terus menerus selama mengetik posting. Cara ini cocok bagi pengguna internet unlimited yang koneksi internet bukan masalah. Tetapi bagi pengguna internet yang dibatasi waktu maka cara seperti ini kurang efektif.
    • Dengan menggunakan aplikasi post2blog 
      Posting dengan cara ini memudahkan kita karena pengetikan naskah dapat dilakukan secara offline, posting ke blog dapat dilakukan setelah koneksi internet tersambung. Cara ini lebih cocok bagi pengguna laptop dan dekstop yang koneksi internetnya tidak terus menerus ataupun limited.

    Software pos2blog dapat didownload secara gratis di internet .


    When SMS and Conversations Call Record can be dowload.

    Seandainya SMS dan Rekaman Pembicaraan selullar bisa didownload.

    Seandainya rekaman telepon dan SMS bisa dilihat seperti halnya email, tentu akan menjadi mendapat tanggapan yang baik bagi masyarakat.  Ini juga akan menjadi lahan bisnis baru bagi operator cellular GSM dan CDMA dalam hal rekaman pembicaraan.

    Contoh Formula:

    Model 1:

    Data rekaman sms dan telepon selama 2 bulan ke belakang bisa diakses /didownload khususnya rekaman bulan berjalan dan bulan sebelumnya. Jika pelanggan ingin menambah jangka waktu bulan rekaman maka pelanggan dikenakan biaya tambahan. Pembelian waktu rekaman dihitung dengan satuan bulan rekaman.  Penambahan bulan rekaman diakumulasi. Pembayaran melalui pemotongan kredit pulsa seperti halnya nada sambung. 

    Model 2:

    Masing-masing pelanggan diberi jatah rekaman telepon dan SMS sebesar 1 GB per untuk beberapa bulan ke belakang.  Jika pelanggan ingin menambah kapasitas maka pelanggan dapat membeli ruang tambahan. Pembelian ruang rekaman dihitung dengan kapasitas, contoh 10 megabyte, 100 Megabyte. Penambahan kapasitas ini diakumulasi. Pembayaran melalui pemotongan kredit pulsa seperti halnya nada sambung.